MOS 921A—Airdrop Systems Technician

Airdrop Systems Technician (MOS 921A) Description / Major Duties:

Provide technical guidance to commanders and staff of activities with the mission of conducting/receiving airborne and/or airdrop operations. Supervise inspection of parachutes and parachute components to detect flaws in materials and workmanship. Supervise packing of parachutes. Ensure that unserviceable, non- repairable, and overage parachutes are retired from inventory. Supervise airdrop rigging activities and airdrop equipment maintenance activities. Maintain compliance standards and criteria for life support systems and other airdrop equipment.

Requirements for MOS 921A Airdrop Systems Technician:

  • Must be SGT(P) or above
  • Must submit copies of ALL NCOERs. The preponderance of your NCOERs must reflect outstanding and exceptional duty performance ratings noted with "among the best" ratings by the Rater and "successful" and "superior" ratings by the Senior Rater
  • Must possess six semester hours of composition-based English (Grade of C or better) from an accredited institution of higher learning. Successful completion of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) in English Composition or Freshman College Composition is acceptable. You must provide a memorandum signed by an Army Education Center official which certifies that the college or university is an Army accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Must possess a minimum of seven most recent years documented experience in MOS 92R
  • Must possess a Letter of Recommendation from a Senior Airdrop Systems Technician that attests to your technical and tactical competence in MOS 92R
  • Must be Jumpmaster qualified and senior parachutist rated.
  • Must have completed the Airdrop Load Inspectors Course
  • Must possess a minimum of two years supervisory experience in an aerial delivery facility performing one of the following functions:
    1. Packing parachutes
    2. Repairing aerial delivery equipment (ADE)
    3. Rigging of loads for cargo airdrop
    4. Maintaining an ADE equipment storage warehouse

Article Last Modified: February 21, 2011

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